Aerospace Industries Association of Canada
“You were inspiring and you gave us a great sense of hope for our future endeavors”.
Environmental Protection Agency AGM
San Antonio ,Texas, USA
“Your presentation was superb – an incredible adventure”
President, Chlorophylle High Tech Clothing Co.
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
“The best presentation I have ever seen!”
Canadian Consulate
Seattle, Washington , USA
“Absolutely spell-binding. We want you back soon”.
Carleton Board of Education
Ottawa, ON, Canada
“We need more Beedells’ ! His show was spell-binding and highlighted his perseverance, social interaction and his skills as a photographer”.
The Editor, Equinox Magazine
‘Mike Beedell spends his days doing the things and exploring the places most of us can only dream about. Fortunately, his talents as a photographer and story teller give those dreams the texture and colour of life itself.’